Teknologi er noe mer enn bare våpen. De fleste mennesker ville ha dødd innen to uker om de havnet 30 km utenfor sivilisajonen, tilogmed med tilgang på pistol, bue og spyd. Vi er i ferd med å bli svak som art, og er et lett bytte for et hvilket som helst rovdyr større enn halve oss. Folk flest aner ikke engang hvordan man gjør opp bål, og ville frosset i hjel i løpet av en vanlig vinter her i nord. Om ikke døden inntreffer ved møte med et dyr, så ville man antakelig miste livet av å ha spist en giftig vekst eller av betennelse i et pinglesår.
Technology is more than just weapons. Most humans would die within 2 weeks of being put outside a 50 mile radius of civilization even with a gun, a bow and a spear. We're becoming a physically weak species and would be no match to any animal half our size. Most people don't even know how to start a fire and would freeze to death during a regular winter in the northern part of the US. If not by an animal, they would probably kill themselves by eating a poisonous plant or dying of a benign wound because of infection.
At teknologi er mer enn våpen.....
Technology is more than just weapons. Most humans would die within 2 weeks of being put outside a 50 mile radius of civilization even with a gun, a bow and a spear. We're becoming a physically weak species and would be no match to any animal half our size. Most people don't even know how to start a fire and would freeze to death during a regular winter in the northern part of the US. If not by an animal, they would probably kill themselves by eating a poisonous plant or dying of a benign wound because of infection.
At teknologi er mer enn våpen.....